W.A.I.L. – Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination And Lunacy CD


(Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions)

Conceptualized around the letters of the acronymic band moniker, W.A.I.L. (Wisdom through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy), the debut album of this Finnish band delves through a five piece journey of murky and crushing soundscapes. On this first part of self-titled full-lengths, W.A.I.L. explains its meaning from a wholly personal perspective. The exceptional name accompanies exceptional music and therefore W.A.I.L. gives a mouth to something that absorbs conventions of black, death, doom & heavy metal – but the entity speaks with only one unique voice and that voice does speak indeed, because the wine of Satan has got them drunk. The cd version has an improved mastering & layout. The official shipping date is 7th March.

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