Vithr – Hedensk Skikk Og Tro CD
11,00 €
(Demonhood Productions)
Vithr (“Viðr”, meaning “tree” in ancient Norwegian) is a Norwegian Black metal band hailing from Bergen, with strong roots in pagan tradition and beliefs, carrying a message of a lost age when forces of nature were feared and held in awe. Musically, Vithr have their feet firmly planted in traditional Norwegian Black Metal, yet with their very own take on the style, including folk elements, clean vocals and a distinctly norse atmosphere. Reinforcing Vithrs excellent songwriting with a sharp yet raw production, Hedensk Skikk Og Tro sounds traditional and fresh at the same time, portraying Norwegian Black Metal anno 2012 at its finest. Jewelcase cd w/12-page booklet. Cover art and design by Robert Høyem (At The Ends). Mastered by Magnus Devo Andersson at Endarker Studio (Marduk, Ofermod, Griftegård). Ltd. 1000 copies.