Sielunvihollinen – Teloituskäsky LP
21,90 €
(Hammer Of Hate)
Teloituskäsky order goes on catching melodic black metal for eight songs. The formula is very familiar to those who already know the band: fast-paced, but not actually catching black metal with very addictive melodies.
There is something extremely Finnish in the melody language typical of the band, and it is not unreasonable to claim that Finnish rock can be heard through it all the way. However, this does not mean that the plate would not have time for black metal. It is taken care of by the style of the riffs, the dry sharply irritated vocals and the energetic drumming. In some places, the playing, on the other hand, is reminiscent of Dissection’s, if then again the closing song brought by Usva brings to mind Immortal’s more epic sensations.
The clearly brightly playing record represents the best of Soul Enemy’s productions, although it doesn’t quite reach the level of the 2019 Kuolonkylväjä record.